GREENSPACE® Trademark Services was founded in 2020 by Bonnie D. Headley, a registered Canadian Trademark Agent since 2005. You can find GREENSPACE on social media at the following links: LinkedIn, Facebook, X
For over 18 years, Bonnie has filed, prosecuted, registered and protected trademarks in Canada, and assisted trademark owners in registering their marks in the United States and numerous other countries. In addition to founding GREENSPACE® Trademark Services, Bonnie has worked for large and boutique firms located in Toronto, Montréal, Calgary, and Vancouver, as well as working in-house for Canada’s largest retailer.
Having worked with an extensive number of clients, Bonnie has helped register trademarks in a variety of diverse fields, including technology, apparel, food and beverage, cannabis, motor vehicle, cosmetics, communications, health and wellness, home décor, arts and entertainment, forest and wildlife management, sporting goods, oil and gas, and pharmaceuticals. Bonnie has also worked with numerous tech incubators, including Innovate Calgary, the innovation company of the University of Calgary.
Bonnie is a member of both the International Trademark Association (INTA), and the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC), and has been active on a number of IPIC committees, as well as the Editorial Board of the Canadian Intellectual Property Review. In multiple editions of the World Trademark Review’s “WTR 1000”, Bonnie was listed as one of the top 1000 trademark professionals named by the publication, a guide that identifies the top trademark professionals in key jurisdictions around the globe.
Looking for assistance with a Patent? We work with a partner Patent Agent who can help you with that. Additionally, we offer comprehensive Canadian Copyright Services.
Interested in information about Amazon Brand Registration? We can assist with our knowledge and guidance regarding the trademark registration process and the brand registry guidelines currently implemented by Amazon.
Now located in the beautiful Muskoka region of Ontario, Bonnie continues to provide the same expertise and trademark related services to all regions of Canada. Bonnie continues to service clients in Vancouver, British Columbia, Calgary, Alberta, Toronto, Ontario, Montréal, Québec and Halifax, Nova Scotia.
If you’re seeking a dependable, professional, and efficient trademark specialist in Saskatchewan, look no further. Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch trademark services tailored to meet your specific needs. With extensive experience in the field, we ensure that your intellectual property is protected with the utmost care and precision.
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