Greenspace® Trademark Services is a full-service trademark agency founded by Bonnie D. Headley, a registered Canadian Trademark Agent since 2005. Greenspace understands the importance of your brand. Successfully registering your trademark adds significant value to your business.

Trademark Searches

Before you file your application, find out if there are any potential obstacles to registration.

Trademark Registration

Your application is the foundation on which your registration is based - Make sure it is sound.

Trademark Protection

Trademark protection is designed to establish, maintain, and enforce trademark rights.


Founder of Greenspace® Trademark Services

Experience matters. Since 2005, Bonnie has been a Registered Canadian Trademark Agent, filing, prosecuting and protecting trademarks in Canada, and assisting trademark owners in obtaining registrations in the United States and numerous other countries.

Having worked for large and boutique firms located in Toronto, Montréal, Calgary and Vancouver, in addition to the in-house legal team of Canada’s largest retailer, Bonnie has helped owners register and protect their trademarks in a variety of diverse fields, including technology, apparel, food and beverage, cannabis, motor vehicles, cosmetics, communications, health and wellness, home décor, arts and entertainment, forest and wildlife management, sporting goods, oil and gas, and pharmaceuticals. Bonnie has also worked with numerous tech incubators, including Innovate Calgary, the innovation company of the University of Calgary.

In multiple editions of the World Trademark Review’s “WTR 1000”, Bonnie was listed as one of the top 1000 trademark professionals named by the publication, a guide that identifies the top trademark professionals in key jurisdictions around the globe.

Our Trademark Services Include

We conduct thorough Trademark Availability Searches in Canada and the U.S., and guide your through the complete Trademark Registration process

In the enforcement realm, we handle Trademark Oppositions and Summary Cancellation Proceedings. 

We also craft Trademark Agreements that are essential to maintaining the integrity and value of your brand.

In addition, we can assist in protecting your copyright. 

Trust Greenspace Trademark Services as your dedicated partner in securing and protecting your Intellectual Property rights.

Specialized Guidance for Canadian Brand Owners

See our FAQ for more answers to your questions, see our Trademark News for updates and access our Trademark Resources.

The confidence of knowing you own your brand goes a long way when attracting financing and expanding business plans – it also helps if and when you may need to explore legal remedies to protect your brand.
Save money, don’t waste it – Save time, don’t waste it – it’s a lot more cost-efficient to avoid problems rather than attempting to fix them retroactively.

Experience. The founder has been filing and prosecuting trademark applications in Canada for over 19 years.

it’s listening and being able to communicate the most cost-efficient strategy to protect a trademark – that’s what really assists brand owners.


Let’s chat about your important trademark matter.


Book today, by booking an appointment in our calendar.


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